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Dissertation theme

Dissertation theme

dissertation theme

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This American Latino Theme Study essay explores the history of Latino foods in the U. in the 19th and 20th centuries and their growth and popularity in the U. food industry. Latino foods are the historical product of encounters between peoples from many lands. Some of these meetings took place in the distant past; for example, dissertation theme, Spanish settlers and missionaries were exchanging foodstuffs and recipes with Indian dissertation theme in New Mexico and Florida decades before the first Pilgrim Thanksgiving at Plymouth.

Other encounters have been more recent, as with the arrival of Afro-Caribbean and Chinese-Cuban migrants to New York City, who imparted Latino influences to the "soul food" of the Harlem Renaissance in the s and s.

Latino foods thus grew out of the migrations of diverse people from the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Their history has been shaped by the common experience of Iberian culture that spread widely in the centuries after Columbus, dissertation theme. But despite these global trajectories, Latino foods have taken root in particular places and nourished communities of people in the territory that is now the U. This nation and its foods are products of the fusion between the global and the local, and Latinos form a significant chapter in that history.

Economic imperatives have been a central driving force in the emergence of new cuisines. Columbus first landed in the Americas while searching for spices, and many Latino foods took shape during a regional economic boom of the late eighteenth century.

In a similar fashion, dissertation theme, Mexican American cooking was influenced by the availability of new ingredients from the U, dissertation theme. food processing industry. Moreover, many of the leading agricultural industries in the U. have Dissertation theme origins. Spaniards planted citrus and nut orchards in Florida and throughout the Southwest, founded cattle ranches in Texas, and built wineries in California, dissertation theme.

The "three sisters" "maize, beans, and squash "staples of the American Indian diet, were domesticated in what is now Mexico, dissertation theme. Markets and restaurants are important centers of culinary innovation, particularly as tourists seek out new dining experiences. By the s, Mexican food became one of the top three varieties of ethnic restaurants and salsa a spicy tomato-based sauce famously surpassed catsup as the bestselling condiment in the United States.

Changing fashions for Dissertation theme food also dissertation theme shifting ethnic and national identities. Despite their long history and contemporary popularity, Latino foods were seen as foreign and dangerous by earlier generations, many of whom defined "American" food narrowly as the product of New England kitchens. The strong flavors of chile peppers, dissertation theme, spices, and olive oil came as a shock to prim palates accustomed to boiled meat and potatoes with white sauce.

Encounters of the 19th century, framed by the U. Nevertheless, businessmen sought to profit from widespread interest in these foods by selling chili powder, canned tamales, and other ersatz products, which advertisers claimed were more wholesome than the originals. After decades of canned chili, dissertation theme, many people did not even recognize the Mexican roots of chili con carne chili with meat.

The arrival of fast food restaurants took Latino foods even further from their ethnic dissertation theme. Only the spread of migrant family restaurants across the U.

in the final decades of the 20th century has started to reclaim Latin American cooking from these stereotypes. The encounters that have shaped ethnic foods, while centered largely in the marketplace, dissertation theme, took place at many levels. Often times cross-ethnic eating also crosses lines of class; whereas early 20th century Bohemian diners went slumming in Spanish restaurants, today they are more likely to patronize taco trucks.

Yet historically, culinary cosmopolitanism has been just as likely to emerge from within the lower classes. Single, male migrant workers have long sought out tasty and economical meals with little regard for ethnic origins. Cooks likewise are constantly exchanging recipes with their neighbors, whether they were born across the street or across the world, dissertation theme. Successive waves of migration have given the U. a diverse and innovative food culture.

Yet narrow views of Latino foods as being only Mexican or Tex-Mex are a pervasive misunderstanding. Although the term Tex-Mex has been used commonly as a marker of inauthentic foods, it more properly refers to the regional cooking of Mexicans living in Texas.

Such borderland specialties as carne asada grilled beef and wheat flour tortillas established the initial images of Mexican food in the U. More recent migration has introduced a much wider range of recipes from throughout Latin America, dissertation theme. Restaurant goers dissertation theme a taste for carne asada can also sample the diverse cuts of grilled meat that are called dissertation theme in Argentina and Uruguay or churrasco in Brazil.

Connoisseurs likewise have learned to distinguish the regional dissertation theme of Mexico and the Caribbean basin, not to mention Bolivian, Ecuadoran, and Peruvian humintas baked corn tamalesSalvadoran pupusas stuffed tortillasdissertation theme, Venezuelan and Colombian arepas maize griddlecakesand countless other dishes that are now available in the U.

Because of its emotional bonds, food has been a metaphor for citizenship. The melting dissertation theme formerly symbolized the process of immigrant acculturation to the national culture.

More recently, the image of a salad bowl in which ingredients are combined without losing their character has gained favor to indicate the acceptance of cultural diversity within a pluralistic democracy. Nor are these culinary metaphors exclusive to the U. In Cuba, for example, the combination of black beans and rice is referred to as moros y cristianos Moors and Christians. Cultural contact inevitably results in blending, as cooks incorporate the foods of their neighbors into their own culinary repertoires and thereby transform those dissertation theme. Whatever the preferred metaphor, food has an important role in achieving the ideal of cultural citizenship, the belief that all people have the right to determine their own cultural practices, dissertation theme.

Latino foods reflect the enormous social diversity resulting from Latin America's history of settlement and intermarriage. The indigenous inhabitants of the Americas domesticated three highly productive and nutritious staples: corn, potatoes, and manioc, which are now eaten widely around the world.

Iberian conquistadors introduced to the region the Mediterranean cuisine of wheat, wine, and olives, dissertation theme, along with livestock. Subsequent dissertation theme of migration further enriched these cuisines, as African slaves, Asian indentured servants, and Middle Eastern arrivals brought new flavors and culinary techniques, dissertation theme.

The regional cuisines of Latin America demonstrate the everyday genius of cooks in transforming often-limited ingredients into tasty and nutritious meals. Maize, a sturdy grain that grows prolifically in diverse climates and terrains, dissertation theme, was the dietary staple of Mesoamerica, the densely populated cultural region extending from the central highlands of Mexico through Central America.

Because maize is deficient in niacin, cooks discovered an alkaline treatment process to make nixtamal, which could be eaten as a stew called pozole or ground into dough to make tortillas and tamales. Pueblo Indians of the Southwest made dissertation theme thin nixtamal batter and cooked it into thin blue wafers of piki bread on a heated stone. Yet another version of nixtamal, called hominy, was invented independently near Cahokia in Illinois, and allowed the Woodland Indians to spread across eastern North America.

Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean and South America also ate corn, but because it was less central to their diet, they had no need to prepare nixtamal.

They simply popped the corn, grilled it on the cob, or, in the Andes Mountains, brewed it into an alcoholic beverage called chicha. Potatoes and related root crops are grown in thousands of varieties in the Andes, in contrast to the meager selection found in U.

They generally come in two varieties, dissertation theme, sweet and bitter, and both are well-rounded nutritionally, with protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The indigenous people learned to freeze-dry potatoes, taking advantage of night frosts and sunny days, a process that also made bitter potatoes dissertation theme edible, dissertation theme. Other tubers added variety to the diet or were cultivated in extreme mountain environments where ordinary potatoes would not grow.

The sweet oca, for example, could be dried into a fig-like substance to sweeten dishes. Andean Indians ate the greens as well as the roots of many species, dissertation theme. Manioc, also known as cassava and yucca, was the staple food of the Caribbean and South American lowlands.

Like other dissertation theme crops, there were sweet and bitter varieties. Sweet manioc grows quickly and can be eaten without elaborate preparation, but it is susceptible to rotting. The bitter variety, which can be stored underground for lengthy periods, contains prussic acid that must be removed before consuming.

The Indians learned to grate the root, soak away the toxic chemicals, and then bake the resulting pulp into flat breads on a griddle. Alternately, the processed manioc could be dried into a coarse meal called farofa, which is used widely in Brazil to thicken stews and to add a tasty crust to meats and vegetables. Indigenous peoples domesticated a wide range of other plants in addition to these basic staples. Frijoles beans added protein to native diets, especially when dissertation theme with maize; the complementary amino acids within the two foods magnified their nutritional value.

Native fruits and vegetables included tomatoes, squash, avocados, cactus paddles and fruit, pineapple, dissertation theme, papaya, guava, and mamay. Chile peppers and achiote seeds added flavoring to an otherwise starchy diet, dissertation theme, as dissertation theme chocolate and vanilla which were also domesticated in the Americas.

Although their diets were largely vegetarian, Native Americans also consumed many different kinds of fish and game. If the indigenous cultures gave local variety to Latino foods, Iberian traditions provided a measure of continuity dissertation theme the region.

Wheat, wine, and olive oil, staples of the Mediterranean diet since antiquity, dissertation theme, were eagerly planted by settlers and missionaries wherever possible, dissertation theme. This desire to reproduce European foods was driven not only by a desire for familiar tastes, but also by social and religious imperatives. Food was an important status marker in the hierarchical society of early modern Dissertation theme and conquistadors were determined to eat like nobles back home.

When particular environments were not conducive to growing foods, for example, wheat in the Caribbean, the settlers paid great sums to import the grain from elsewhere. Moreover, the Mediterranean culinary trinity was essential for religious sacraments; according to medieval Catholic doctrine, only wheat could be used to prepare the Eucharist. European settlers also transplanted livestock to the Americas to ensure dissertation theme to meat and cheese.

Sheep was the most highly valued livestock in the Iberian peninsula, a reflection of Jewish and Muslim dietary influences during the Middle Ages. While wealthy Spaniards ate mutton, the lower classes consumed beef from the vast cattle herds of Castille and La Mancha, dissertation theme. Horse-mounted cattle ranching skills were carried from Spain to the gauchos of Argentina and Uruguay as well as the vaqueros of northern Mexico. European livestock reproduced at a tremendous rate in the plains of the Americas, since there were few predators and little competition from humans or other herbivores.

Because the animals roamed with little supervision, except during annual roundups, they had a tendency to overgraze the landscape, causing widespread erosion, and in many places they converted fertile grasslands to scrubby deserts. The role of Franciscan missionaries in establishing California's wine and olive industry is well known thanks to the efforts of historic preservationists, who sought to encourage tourism in the early s with picturesque images of a Spanish pastoral era.

Nevertheless, the work of ordinary settlers in making wine throughout the southwest has gone largely unrecognized. El Paso del Norte, present-day El Dissertation theme, Texas, for example, was praised by visitors for the quality of its wines.

Both friars and settlers planted an Andalusian grape variety known as the mónica. Fortified sweetened wines, similar to Spanish sherry, became known in California as Angélica. In addition to Native American and Iberian traditions, dissertation theme, Latino foods bear tastes from around the world, dissertation theme. African slaves were imported to work on plantations in tropical lowlands of the Caribbean, Brazil, dissertation theme, and along the Pacific, dissertation theme.

Many of the inhabitants of those regions still have a taste for starchy main dishes of plantains, dissertation theme, rice, yams, dissertation theme, or couscous, and flavored with greens, okra, malaguetta peppers, and palm oil. Middle Eastern influences are also apparent in the wealth of sweetened desserts, including flan and other custards, which were reproduced in the convents of Latin America, dissertation theme.

Dissertation theme presence of complex spice mixtures in dishes such as Mexican mole sauce as well as pickled dishes known as escabeche also derived from medieval Arabic cooking.

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Help writing a dissertation

dissertation theme

constructed under each theme. Since, in some theses, a section need to be in methodology chapter can be found in some other chapters each dissertation is read from first page to Nov 13,  · The Dissertation Acknowledgement That Went Viral on Chinese Social Media Was the hit movie launched because of the current geopolitical climate, or are Chinese audiences more receptive to the theme because of it? The answer is probably somewhere in the middle, and one conclusion doesn’t exclude the other Oct 29,  · Applicants should clearly indicate how the dissertation intersects with the specific divisions and collections at the Schomburg. See the Schomburg’s online catalog for more details. The text describing the dissertation project and the archival statement should be double-spaced using a point font with numbered pages and a 1-inch margin. The

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