Naturalism Essay Naturalism in terms of literature is a special perception of the reality of the world around us. Everything happening around us seems to be an experiment held by blogger.comlism neglects supernatural powers and considers the nature (the outside world, environment) to be the primary reason for everything happening [Augustine].The question of naturalism is the question of nature Émile Zola Essay # 6. Contribution of Naturalism: 1. The chief contribution of naturalism lies in freedom which is essential for natural development and self-expression of children. 2. Child study movement has gathered momentum due to the naturalistic ideas and principles. The importance of child is given top priority in the present day blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
Essay on Naturalism
Read this essay to learn about Naturalism. After reading this Essay you will learn about: 1. Introduction to Naturalism 2. Forms of Naturalism 3. Naturalism as Philosophy 4. Broad Features 5. Curriculum 6. Contribution 7. Shortcomings 8. It is not the but matter governs our relationship and activities and man must submit to it. For them, nature is the reality. Behind everything there is nature, essay on naturalism. There is nothing beyond nature, behind nature and other than nature.
Nature justifies all existence including human beings and their nature because represents the wholeness of reality. Naturalism applies natural laws to the entire human experiences.
It subordinates spirit to matter, spiritual world to material world. Essay on naturalism world is the real world, governed by certain laws and principles which guide the man in his activities.
The chief exponents naturalism and Democritivs, Epicurus, Aristotle, Comte, Bacon, Comenius, Spencer, Huxley, S. Butterand, J. Shaw and Rousseau. This form of naturalism establishes the fact that laws of physical nature govern the laws of human life. Reality exists not in the individual but in the natural universe. Since, human life is controlled by external nature, it should be in accordance with the natural laws As such, this philosophy relegates man into the background and this has not influenced educational theory and practice.
This form regards man as a machine without spirit and is governed by mechanical laws. He has no creative capacity, purpose or direction. The aim is to train man to work in perfect manner as a machine. Behaviourism in psychology owes to it for its birth. Believing in evolution this form of naturalism emphasizes that each creature has an urge to live and it struggles to exist.
Self-preservation is the law of life. A man is born with natural tendencies, propensities and endowments and untamed instincts which should be sublimated for socially desirable ends. This has made significant contribution to the development of educational theory and practice.
According to Naturalism, nature is real propelled essay on naturalism her own laws and eventually governed by them. Essay on naturalism absolutely denies the existence of anything beyond nature, behind nature and other than nature.
It does not have faith in spiritualism. Thus, it has absolute faith in nature which is real. Scientific knowledge is the real knowledge which is acquired through observation and experimentation and therefore is not transcendental or spiritual, essay on naturalism. The best method of acquiring knowledge is inductive method which, inter-alia, includes observation, collection, essay on naturalism, description, interpretation and generalization.
Naturalists lay stress on sensory training as senses are the gateways of knowledge. Rejecting spiritual eternal values naturalism asserts that values nestle in nature. All the values are created by the human needs and purposes born out of particular conditions of life and history. So, values are subjective and relative to personal needs. Further in essay on naturalism to realize values in nature, one has to live in accordance with the nature.
Naturalists assert that the chief value in life of man is to avoid pain and seek for pleasure. Man, through the interaction of nature, creates values. Naturalism regards education as the dynamic side of philosophy.
In the scheme of naturalistic education, self-expression essay on naturalism freedom have been given top-most priority for natural development of individuality, essay on naturalism. It decries an external restraints and it condemns all formalities because individuality is lost when there is external discipline or pressure. Naturalistic education is based on some important and worthful features which are listed below:.
Natural development of the child takes place spontaneously and naturally in the natural milieu rather than in the artificial atmosphere of the school. Physical nature is governed by certain laws or principles which are natural. The nature of the child includes tendencies, impulses, instincts, powers or dispositions which are in-born.
It is inner side. While educating the child, this inner part should be taken care of, essay on naturalism. Child is considered to be the focal point in the educative process and the nature of the child should be fully deciphered and should be helped to grow naturally, gradually and systematically without undue interference. He should be regarded as a child rather than a miniature adult. Instead of imposing adult standards on them, let them have opportunities of formulating and articulating their ideas.
Such happiness is ever lasting and docs not fade away. Freedom is the cry of naturalistic education, because only under freedom can the child grow in his natural way. Let the child learn by his own mistakes. Authoritarianism has no place in naturalistic education because it can generate fear psychosis in the child which will retard the pace of development of individuality.
Senses are essay on naturalism gateways of knowledge and as such, sensory experiences should be provided for better perception of objects, things and persons. Effective learning also depends upon sensory experiences. Sense training is essential as senses are means to accumulate knowledge. It discards bookish knowledge because nature is the best book and child learns everything in the lap of nature.
Thus, nature is the spring of all knowledge. Thus, they say education should be the chief instrument to exploit instincts to change the behaviour of the child in a desirable manner. ii Mechanical naturalists who view man as a machine aim at making the human machine as perfect as machine which enables man to accomplish more and more tangled tasks. iii Physical naturalists lay down that the aim of education is to attain present and future happiness. Happiness is the summum bonum of life.
He regards that instincts are the true bases of human conduct. Education as such aims at re-direction and sublimation of instincts for achieving socially desirable ends. It is based upon the psychology of the child. The naturalists do not advocate a rigid and d curriculum. The child is given no verbal lessons and is against bookish education. He is expected to learn directly from nature through personal experiences. a Naturalists like to include subjects like Nature study.
Agriculture, Gardening, essay on naturalism, Art and Craft, Botany, Geography, Geology, Astronomy on the plea that these are in keeping with the nature of the child.
b Naturalists lay premium on teaching of Sciences like Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology along with art, craft and physical activities which contribute directly to the enrichment of the health, vocational life, and social life of the child. c In order to understand science subjects, the child has to learn mathematics and languages. So, essay on naturalism, these are to be included in the curriculum framework, essay on naturalism.
d For stimulating sense perception and practical judgement, agriculture and carpentry are suggested. e Despite their emphasis on the present, the naturalists do not ignore the study of the past experiences of the race. As such the naturalists want to include Essay on naturalism and Social Studies for transmission of past experiences that enrich the present and teach morals to the children. essay on naturalism Physiology and hygiene are to be appended in the curriculum for development of body and health in the light of self-preservation.
g Naturalism does not attach importance essay on naturalism spiritualism in their curriculum. So, there is no place for teaching about God and religion. h Arithmetic and geometry are suggested as these are helpful for development of reasoning power, essay on naturalism. Darwin, the originator of evolutionary theory, emphasized that the aim of education is to equip the individual to struggle for existence and thus to ensure his survival, essay on naturalism.
Lamarck, while coinciding the views of Darwin, adds that education should aim at enabling e individual to adjust himself to the environment and circumstances both physically and mentally. Rousseau, a staunch advocate of naturalism, says that the central aim of education is le autonomous development essay on naturalism personality, essay on naturalism. Other naturalists also say that education should aim at providing every possible opportunities for the development of natural endowments and propensities of the child.
Nunn advocates that the supreme aim of education is the development of individuality because the proper goal of human life is perfection of individual. The aim of education, according to R. Tagore, is to make the child free in the nature environment for full-flowering of his personality. Herbert Spencer, an extreme naturalist, suggested complete living aim which encompasses self-preservation, securing necessities of life, up-bringing of children, training in citizenship, happiness and proper utilization of leisure profitably.
He wants that activities should be undertaken which minister self-preservation. Therefore, Naturalism is weak in providing a complete aim of education. It does not lay down nobler aims like idealists, because they lack objectivities and realities. It does not believe in speculation.
Theodore Dreiser; Realism versus Naturalism
, time: 15:01naturalism essays: examples, topics, questions, thesis statement
Nov 17, · The idea behind naturalism is to show an audience through the characters true feelings, which in turn allows the character to truly touch the audience. The father of Naturalism Emile Zola’s essay, Naturalism on stage is known as the explicit advocate of Naturalism. Naturalistic writers were influenced by the theory of evolution Émile Zola Naturalism Essay Naturalism in terms of literature is a special perception of the reality of the world around us. Everything happening around us seems to be an experiment held by blogger.comlism neglects supernatural powers and considers the nature (the outside world, environment) to be the primary reason for everything happening [Augustine].The question of naturalism is the question of nature
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