Abortion is a subject that has two distinct opposing sides, with little to no middle ground between the two. As such, a student writing a persuasive essay about abortion must have their facts well laid out and take one side of the divide. For this type of essay, this is what lays the basis of how to write a thesis statement for abortion The objective condition in the case of abortion entails the question whether abortions are legal, who obtains an abortion, and under what circumstances is an abortion secured (Henslin, ). The second component is the subjective condition; this is the concern that a significant number of people have about the objective condition Jan 25, · In this argumentative essay over abortion, I presume there are a lot of arguments on why should we legalize abortion but I would only state a few and important matters; First, it supports the principal human rights for women by giving them a decision or a choice; it decreases wrongdoing by diminishing the number of children growing up non-ideal conditions
Research essay on abortion
Kerby Anderson helps us understand that concerns about abortion are more than just a fundamentalist backlash. He reviews arguments from a Christian, abortion essay against, biblical perspective and then introduces arguments from medical, legal and philosophical points of views as well. In this essay we will be discussing arguments against abortion.
The first set abortion essay against arguments we will consider are biblical arguments. Why the silence of the Bible on abortion? The answer is simple. Abortion was so unthinkable to an Israelite woman that there was no need to even mention it in the criminal code. Why was abortion an unthinkable act? First, children were viewed as a gift or heritage from the Lord.
Second, the Scriptures state—and the Jews concurred—that God opens and closes the womb and is sovereign over conception. Third, childlessness was seen as a curse. One of the key verses to understand in developing a biblical view of the sanctity of human life is Psalm He begins by acknowledging that God is omniscient and knows what David is doing at any given point in time.
David adds that wherever he might go, he cannot escape from God, whether he travels to heaven or ventures into Sheol, abortion essay against. God is in the remotest part of the sea and even in the darkness. Finally David contemplates the origin of his life and confesses that God was there forming him in the womb:. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, abortion essay against, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be vv. The description here is not of a piece of protoplasm that becomes David: this is David already being cared for by God while in the womb.
In verse 13, we see that God is the Master Craftsman fashioning David into a living abortion essay against. Next, we will consider additional Old Testament passages that provide a biblical argument against abortion. Another significant passage is Psalm It was written by David after his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and records his repentance. David concludes that from his time of conception, he had a sin nature. This would imply that he carried the image of God from the moment of conception, including the marred image scarred from sin.
Human beings are created in the image and likeness of God Gen. Bearing the image of God is the essence of humanness. This verse also provides support for what is called the traducian view of the abortion essay against of the soul. According to this perspective, abortion essay against, human beings were potentially in Adam Rom, abortion essay against.
Therefore, abortion essay against unborn baby is morally accountable and thus fully human. Another argument against abortion can be found in the Old Testament legal code, specifically Exodus But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
The verses appear to teach that if a woman gives birth prematurely, but the baby is not injured, then only a fine is appropriate. However, if the child dies then the law of retaliation lex talionis should be applied. In other words, killing an unborn baby would carry the same penalty as killing a born baby.
A baby inside the womb has the same legal status as a baby outside the womb. Some commentators have come to a different conclusion because they believe the first verses only refer to a case of accidental miscarriage. Since only a fine is levied, they argue that an unborn baby is merely potential life and does not carry the same legal status as a baby that has been born. There are at least two problems with this interpretation, abortion essay against. First, the normal Hebrew word for miscarry is not used in this passage cf.
Most commentators now believe that the action described in verse 22 is a premature birth not an accidental miscarriage. Second, even if the verses do describe a miscarriage, abortion essay against passage cannot be used to justify abortion.
The injury was accidental, not intentional as abortion would be. Also, the action was a criminal offense and punishable by law. Thus far in our discussion we have looked at biblical arguments against abortion. Are there other arguments we can use?
Yes, abortion essay against, there are: medical arguments, for example. The medical arguments against abortion are compelling. For abortion essay against, at conception the embryo is genetically distinct from the mother. A developing embryo is genetically different from the mother, abortion essay against. A developing embryo is also genetically different from the sperm and egg that created it. A human being has 46 chromosomes sometimes 47 chromosomes.
Sperm and egg have 23 chromosomes. A trained geneticist can distinguish between the DNA of an embryo and that of a sperm and egg. But that same geneticist could not distinguish between the DNA of a developing embryo and a full-grown human being. Another set of medical arguments against abortion surround the definition of life and death. If one set of criteria have been used to define death, could they also be used to define life? Death used to be defined by the cessation of heartbeat.
A stopped heart was a clear sign of death. If the cessation of heartbeat could define death, could the onset of a heartbeat define life? The heart is abortion essay against by the 18th day in the womb.
If heartbeat was used to abortion essay against life, then nearly all abortions would be outlawed. Physicians now use a more rigorous criterion for death: brain wave activity. A flat EEG electroencephalograph is one of the most important criteria used to determine death. If the cessation of brain wave activity can define death, could the onset of brain wave activity define life?
Individual brain waves are detected in the fetus in about days, abortion essay against. Using brain wave activity to define life would outlaw at least a majority of abortions. Opponents to abortion also raise the controversial issue of fetal pain.
Does the fetus feel pain during abortion? The evidence seems fairly clear and consistent. She opens her mouth to cry and also pulls away. Try sticking an 8-week-old human fetus in the palm of his hand. He opens his mouth and pulls his hand away. A more technical description would add that changes in heart rate and fetal movement also suggest abortion essay against intrauterine manipulations are painful to the fetus.
Obviously, other medical criteria could be used. For example, the developing fetus has a unique set of fingerprints as well as genetic patterns that make it unique. We can discern eyes, ears, fingers, a nose, and a mouth. Our visual senses tell us this is a baby growing and maturing. This is not a piece of protoplasm; this is a baby inside the womb. The point is simple. Medical science leads to a pro-life perspective rather than a pro-choice perspective. If medical science can be used at abortion essay against to draw a line, the clearest line is at the moment of conception.
Medical arguments provide a strong case against abortion and for life. The best legal argument against abortion can be seen in the case of Roe v. It violated standard legal reasoning. The Supreme Court decided not to decide when life begins and then turned around and overturned the laws of 50 different states.
Although the sentences sounded both innocuous and unpretentious, they were neither. It overturned state laws that protected the unborn and has resulted in over 30 million abortions roughly the population of Canada in the United States. The decision also seems unpretentious by acknowledging that it did not know when life begins. A crucial role of government is to protect life. Government cannot remove a segment of the human population from its protection without adequate justification, abortion essay against.
The burden of proof should lie with the life-taker, abortion essay against the benefit of the doubt should be with the life-saver. The burden of proof in law is on the prosecution. The benefit of doubt is with the defense. This is also known as a presumption of innocence. The defendant is assumed to be innocent abortion essay against proven guilty.
Again the burden of proof is on the entity that would take away life or liberty, abortion essay against.
Abortion - Are you \
, time: 2:46How to Write an Abortion Thesis Statement with Examples
Essay writing ebook free download on Research abortion essay masjid ki ahmiyat essay in urdu, my favourite vacation with my family essay: essay sample for college admission abortion Research on essay: lebron james essay cleveland. Good ideas to write essays on, essay on The imaginary domain: abortion, pornography, and sexual harassment. Routledge. Tip 2: How to Come Up With Arguments for Your Abortion Thesis Statement. In a thesis statement for abortion, one needs to highlight the causes and effects of abortion. As the writer, you will need first to introduce the causes then describe implications that are The objective condition in the case of abortion entails the question whether abortions are legal, who obtains an abortion, and under what circumstances is an abortion secured (Henslin, ). The second component is the subjective condition; this is the concern that a significant number of people have about the objective condition
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