intended. High student achievement comes from students who are motivated from inside. Therefore, instead of giving rewards, teachers need to consistently teach students to become intrinsically motivated. Student motivation affects every aspect of school life, from attendance, to academic performance, to extra-curricular activities Dec 10, · A review of research is conducted to examine the effect of rewards on intrinsic motivation and learning for children in general education and special education. Intrinsically motivated students experience school success because they display behaviors such as choosing challenging activities and spending more time on task. The use of rewards undermines intrinsic motivation and Closing the achievement gap in education has continued to be a major topic of discussion over the last decade. The achievement gap refers to the large disparity in academic achievement between specific demographics of students, for example, the performance gap between African-American and Latino students, as compared to their White and Asian peers
"The Effect of Rewards and Motivation on Student Achievement" by Lori Kay Baranek
The Impact Of Teacher-student Interaction On Student Motivation And Achievement. Tisome Nugentachievement dissertation motivation student, University of Central Florida. The goal of this research was to determine the value and impact of student-teacher interactions in relation to student motivation and achievement.
It was further intended that the results of this study would add to the body of knowledge and resources available to enhance the learning experience and influence student success. Achievement dissertation motivation student order for this to happen, student and teacher perceptions of their interactions were analyzed, as well whether or not this interaction significantly impacted motivation and achievement. The results of this study provided strong arguments in favor of equipping teachers with the appropriate resources and assistance to appropriately meet the needs of their students beyond academic instruction.
The slightly negative relationship between motivation and achievement isolated the issue at hand: finding ways to capitalize on these relationships, which will act as catalysts for student achievement The literature review and results of this study found that teacher-student relationships are crucial to student success.
Pearson Correlation analysis proved positive correlations between teacher-student interaction and motivation, as well as positive teacher-student interaction and achievement. It however, illustrated a negative relationship between motivation and achievement. Suggested uses for the study included the development of workshops for educators and administrators that may achievement dissertation motivation student a positive effect on the proven significance of the teacher-student relationship problem.
The results suggest the need for teachers to be provided with appropriate resources and assistance to meet the needs of their students beyond academic instruction. It also suggests providing students and teachers with measurable and attainable goals to create experiences with and exposure to success.
Further, there needs to a balance where all students are challenged and where the students who need additional assistance are provided with the appropriate scaffolds. If this is your thesis or dissertation, and want to learn how to access it or for more information about readership statistics, contact us at STARS ucf, achievement dissertation motivation student. Nugent, Tisome, "The Impact Of Teacher-student Interaction On Student Motivation And Achievement" Electronic Theses and Dissertations.
Education Commons. Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement. Privacy Copyright. Skip to main content. My Account FAQ About Home. Title The Impact Of Teacher-student Interaction On Student Motivation And Achievement. Author Tisome NugentUniversity of Central Florida.
Keywords Motivation, Relationships, Achievement, Efficacy. Abstract The goal of this research was to determine the value and impact of student-teacher interactions in relation to student motivation and achievement.
Notes If this is your thesis or dissertation, and want to learn how to access it or for more information about readership statistics, achievement dissertation motivation student us at STARS ucf. Department Educational Research, Technology, and Leadership, achievement dissertation motivation student.
Access Status Doctoral Dissertation Open Access. STARS Citation Nugent, Tisome, "The Impact Of Teacher-student Interaction On Student Motivation And Achievement" DOWNLOADS Since March 23, Included in Education Commons. Browse Advisors Browse recent Advisors. in this series in this repository across all repositories.
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, time: 13:25"The Impact Of Teacher-student Interaction On Student Motivation And Ac" by Tisome Nugent

Dec 10, · A review of research is conducted to examine the effect of rewards on intrinsic motivation and learning for children in general education and special education. Intrinsically motivated students experience school success because they display behaviors such as choosing challenging activities and spending more time on task. The use of rewards undermines intrinsic motivation and education, to assess students’ achievement motivation in secondary schools, & to find out whether there is a significant relationship between students’ attitude towards school, values of education, achievement motivation and academic achievement in secondary schools or Morale () reported a high correlation between high teacher morale and student achievement. Hills, Manigan, & Dow () argued that pay-for-performance or merit pay can be a powerful motivating tool when used effectively. The relationships among student achievement, teacher motivation, and incentive pay were investigated in this study
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