Are you currently working on a dissertation on work-life balance? In that case, you will need to pick an adequate topic for your upcoming essay. Finding balance in life is a very appealing topic which is worth researching because of the multiple benefits that arise from a plausible solution results, work-life balance programs could help improve organizational culture and employee overall performance. The results of this study may contribute to social change by preparing employers for success while simultaneously positioning individuals to attain optimum balance between work and Cited by: 2 WORK-LIFE BALANCE FOR ADMINISTRATORS IN THE ACADEMY: UNDER IDEAL WORKER PRESSURE. BY KELL Y E. WILK. Dissertation Committee. Rebecca D. Cox, Ph.D., Mentor
Writing Ideas For Your Dissertation On Work And Life Balance
This Research Methodology would be considering the most suitable and appropriate method to be adopted for studying Work Life balance in the context of the workforce in the United Balance dissertation life work. For this purpose, it is intended to consider how the employees in a large consumer business, like Tesco, view the work life balance and other related areas of interest.
It is seen that Tesco operates on a global level, and also has stores outside the UK. Thomaspara. d, para. In real terms, triangulation means that multiple or several kinds of research practices are used, balance dissertation life work, not necessarily restricted to one or two.
Resolved question: Other answers: Dictionary: TriangulationPara. The use of just one kind of research practice would essentially lower the scope of this study and not bring out its finer points that may evade one kind of study. This could be worked out in a more detailed manner through other.
For instance, the information that balance dissertation life work be gleaned through questionnaires could be done through face-to-face interviews with respondents. Customer assistants balance dissertation life work to strike a well coordinated balance between work life balance.
This could be in terms of more organised and systematic job profiling, ensuring adequate rest and leisure time to staff, also working in shifts or through outsourcing for major and pressing order execution. It is also necessary that a cross-sectional method followed in this research needs to consider its main aims and objectives- in terms of how the sample respondents perceive work life balance, its constituents and how it could aid in gleaning useful data and information about the subject topic under study.
In any kind of qualitative research that is being done, the process of research assumes centre stage and this study is no exception, balance dissertation life work. It is now proposed to delineate the research process and research instruments that would be used during the course of this study and how its perceived objectives could be gained.
This study would be conducted through cross-sectional qualitative survey of sample population of the employees working in Tesco stores in the United Kingdoms.
It is the largest British retailer, both by global sales and by domestic market share. Tesco plans first U. store forpara. Survey software packages — The survey system: Request a free quote on the survey system softwarebalance dissertation life work, para.
A sample of the Questionnaires that would be used is available in Appendix 1 of this study. The process would be through inductive studies, meaning that the theories would flow from the data, balance dissertation life work, and not deductive studies.
If he observes a pattern in society, he may form a hypothesis on it, conduct surveys or experiments to verify his hypothesis and thus reach a conclusion. This research methodology needs to consider the fact that the survey needs to balance dissertation life work restricted in terms of time, that the time allocation is that it has to be completed within days of its initiation. In the case of a survey of this kind, it is believed that perhaps the interpretivist approach would be the best for business studies since it would be dealing with different kind of people with different outlooks to life and social constructs.
Besides the intricacies and complexities of functioning in business are well drawn forth in interpretivist studies, which also adds the empathetic traits needs to identify balance dissertation life work understand human nature, especially in the context of business. It is necessary that a study of this kind lays emphasis on small, yet important matters with regard to balance dissertation life work servicing, like helping ignorant customers, or children in selecting their items and also taking care to make shopping a pleasurable experience for both the customer assistants as well as the clients.
Thus, the selling team needs to put their best foot forward while addressing customer needs. The main reason for the inductive, balance dissertation life work, cross-sectional respondent based survey is because this topic mainly deals with how employees in Tesco Supermarket across United Kingdom view work life balance and their attitudes towards work and rest.
While some employees may not be very ambitious and prefer to work for limited hours, others may prefer to work part time or from their homes. Still others may be hard driving, promotion oriented and very committed and sincere in their work outlook.
The arrangements most commonly taken up by employees were flexitime, working from home, and part-time work. Thus, considering a situation wherein various employees may respond differently to work ethos, it is but critical that necessary judgements on these aspects could only be gained through qualitative studies, balance dissertation life work.
This would be gained through answers to a series of questions that form part of the questionnaire to be answered by the respondents. The questionnaires entail structured open-ended questions that need to be answered by each of the respondents in their own manner and according to what they feel about their work culture, interpersonal relations and how it aids, or hampers the smooth work flow and culture in Tesco.
Further, it is also believed that since each of the employees would respond differently balance dissertation life work the questions, a lot of data and information could be gathered about how Tesco employees value work and work cultures in natural settings. It would have been quite possible to also use interview instruments to underpin this methodology, but this is not being done since the respondents could not provide time and efforts to address face-to-face interviews.
Thus, the research methods and techniques that were used were designed to be in terms of questions posed to respondents and analysis of their answers. Time Horizons : It is seen that the maximum time limit that could be allowed for this study is 20 days. This research methodology seeks to provide a working schedule of the tasks involved and the allotted time for their execution.
Under a cross-sectional balance, samples are drawn that represent all, or most of the different parts that the whole contains. In other words, balance dissertation life work, in the context of this study of Tesco, in order to ensure wider representation and participation, the different levels, or hierarchy in the work force would form part of the respondent team.
Thus not only would customer assistants be invited to be represented in this study, but also line functionaries like sales boys and girls and apprentices. This is to avoid errors arising out of bias and perceived discrimination in this study. The above schedule depicts the categorization and sub-tasking of various tasks needed for this study on work life balance.
Balance dissertation life work tools and instruments used: Balance dissertation life work this study on work life balance, it is intrinsic that the date balance dissertation life work presented through MS Excel.
Advanced statistical tools are not be used, considering the fact that SPSS may not be able to make much of difference, since the data itself is moderate and results could be well established through use of Excel sheets. Since the main results could be gained through use of Excel the use of other advanced statistical tools, at this stage, is not envisaged.
It needs to be seen that unless the methods adopted are clear-cut, simple and amenable for further research and analysis, this study would not gain its expected gains and goals. For the research to have significantly high credibility it is necessary sampling errors and bias are avoided. In the event errors and bias creep in, it is common knowledge that the study would be vitiated and the findings would not be correct, and would be thus self-defeating.
Subject or participant error, balance dissertation life work, or subject or participant bias could creep into the study, creating scope for wrong judgement if significant. These errors may be due to wrong choices of the researchers, balance dissertation life work, or wrong interpretations of correct data.
Duplication of data, ascribing incorrect or absent values, discrimination that creeps in inadvertently or wilfully, are all aspects that could throw the study off course and render it fatuous.
Therefore, it is obligatory on the part of the research team to take necessary to root out errors, balance dissertation life work, or instances of bias at the early stages itself, thus leaving little room for complacency or discrimination, balance dissertation life work, either in the choice of research instruments or in their intent and application.
This means whether the research study and its application hold good in the present context. It is possible that three different kinds of research on the same item may bring forth different interpretations, or results. Balance dissertation life work are thus, inconsistencies that need to be cleared and the norms of consistency demand that observer errors and bias needs to be rooted out and eliminated, even at its early stages.
It needs to be observed at this stage that consistency, validity and appropriateness of the study instruments are major factors that need to be addressed. Moreover, balance dissertation life work, it is balance dissertation life work evidences that this balance dissertation life work does not inculcate personal interviews or discussions, and thereby delineates the scope and breadth of the research methodology considerable.
Therefore, it is mandatory that the methods followed are correct, acceptable, logical and amenable to further research studies and analysis, balance dissertation life work. The main drawback with inductive, qualitative and cross- sectional survey with questionnaires is that a large quantum of seemingly differentiated mass of data may be forthcoming, which needs to be made coherent, cohesive and relevant to the subject under study.
For one thing, it is possible that the respondents may not be able to understand the issues in the way it has been intended by the survey group, balance dissertation life work, and may provide inconsistent and biased opinions.
There may be no comebacks, especially if it were internet questionnaires, and any analysis made on the strength of biased answers could itself be biased and statistically, balance dissertation life work, untrue. The main threats to the validity aspect could stem from certain surrounding factors, in the case of work life balance, it could be in terms of recessionary trends in the economy, inflation and lower spending capabilities due to high cost of goods, etc. Rights of workers It could also be seen in terms of the fact that respondents may not speak out their minds while answering the questionnaires, balance dissertation life work.
Thus, the results would be based on biased or even incorrect renditions. Thus it is not only necessary that the research methods be correctly identified and instituted, but modus operandi of research also is correctly defined, balance dissertation life work, formulated, enforced and implemented.
If this is not so, the findings of the research would not be in sync with its aim and objectives, and there would be need to redo the study once again, using a different research instrument and different scenarios, etc. Next it is necessary to consider the aspects of generalization of declared results. This means the extent to which these results could safety is generalised, or used in a similar setting elsewhere. If one study validates the need for compulsory rest and leave for employees in say, the Tesco study, whether this could also be applicable for work life situations in other settings is a matter of conjecture and generalisation.
The ethical values in business are also important. Besides, a sound research methodology also needs to consider ethical values of business, in terms of the fact that the research content needs to be kept strictly confidential. We would use anonymous names and identities in order to protect the true identity of respondents so how are you going to do that all data can confidental no names an problem as which specific stores and used only for the purpose of research. The contents of research data and its results need to be confined within the Research Group and should not be made known publicly, without proper authorisation to any other person, or agency since this could compromise the secrecy and confidential nature of such studies.
Besides, the research methodology also needs to consider that in future, it would become necessary to conduct larger studies, with more sample population with the aid of the present studies. In other words, this study could become the basis and premise for more detailed and elaborate studies on work life balance in the UK context. The research methodology needs to delve into how the employees at Tesco, UK, view work life balance and its various ramifications, both in terms of their growth and promotional prospects in this organisation and also in terms of their home lives.
A balance approach needs to be taken that could perforce employees to be able to fulfil commitments both in terms of work and at the home front. For the long term physical and mental health of employees and their continued productivity and contribution to the organisation, Tesco, for one, prefers employees to have flexible options in terms of work output, timings, compensation packages and benefits.
This in tune with their work ethos and culture and keeping both the harmonious aspects of good relationships between employers and employees in mind, balance dissertation life work. Over indulgence and under indulgence, both are a crime. Chapter three: Research methodology : Interpretivism. Rights of workersDirectgov. Hooker, H. Maslow, balance dissertation life work, A Balance dissertation life workA theory of human motivation : The balance dissertation life work needs.
Classic in the History of Psychology. Psychological Review. Survey software packages — The survey system: Request a free quote on the survey system softwareCreative Research System. Strategic Finance. All Business. What is the difference between inductive and deductive research? Work-Life Balance in the United Kingdom. Research Methodology Introduction This Research Methodology would be considering the most suitable and appropriate method to be adopted for studying Work Life balance in the context of the workforce in the United Kingdom.
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Off Balance On Purpose: The Future of Engagement and Work-Life Balance: Dan Thurmon at TEDxPSU
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Work-life balance plays a pivotal role in the holistic wellbeing of individuals (Lyubomirsky, ; Moore, ; Pocock, ). Pursuit of well-being and life satisfaction has been on the rise globally for the past decades (Diener & Chan, ; Singh, ). Lockwood () referred to Author: Viya Kumari Ayadurai Dissertation Topics On Work And Life Balance: 15 Great Ideas. Work life balance is a very subjective debate. It has been fronted as one of the most difficult things to achieve. There are different interpretations of this aspect. The topic thus presents a rich repository of ideas for a dissertation WORK-LIFE BALANCE FOR ADMINISTRATORS IN THE ACADEMY: UNDER IDEAL WORKER PRESSURE. BY KELL Y E. WILK. Dissertation Committee. Rebecca D. Cox, Ph.D., Mentor
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