A business continuity plan (BCP) is significant for every company, big or small, and it is also vital for companies to handle their business continuity plan as a proactive instead of reactive measure. The study explored the awareness and importance of business continuity planningAuthor: Zukiswa Poto The Dissertation Business Continuity Planning main ones are, naturally, the number of pages, academic level, and your deadline. Thus, there will be a significant difference between an urgent master's paper and a high school essay with a two-week deadline Plan your time wisely and save Dissertation Business Continuity Planning up to 50% on any paper! Ordered my term paper here. Can’t complain about anything. Well it wasn’t cheap, but it was really well-written and delivered 2 days before the deadline. Thanks Essay
"Agile Business Continuity Planning using Business Process Modeling Not" by Kirk M Anne
Disaster recovery planning — DRP and business continuity plan — BCP have become very crucial in the current scenario with increased threats from natural and man-made disasters. These disasters effectively wipe out the intellectual and soft assets of a company; taking it a few years back, if the entire source code and transaction records are lost.
DRP implementation helps an organisation to quickly restore its networks and retrieve the software applications, account details and transaction records of the customer so that losses are minimised and the company can resume normal operations in the quickest possible time.
The report has researched a framework for implementation of DRP and BCP among the 10 ten Indian IT Companies. In addition to presenting implementations of networks and architecture it has dissertation business continuity planning presented the steps to be followed for DRP and BCP implementation.
The report has also presented results of a research in which a survey instrument was used to gather the responses of experts in IT industries. The survey instrument helps in studying three key areas of DRP- cost of downtime, perceived importance of DRP and current state of DRP within organisation with respect to the DRP process. The instrument had three sets of questions that asked for responses for different aspects of the DRP.
All the surveyed organisations use their in house training programs, keep their systems updated, test and maintain them at regular intervals. The report is expected to help organisations and students who want to implement DRP or research this area for further study. Businesses worldwide operate under conditions that are subject to change, depending on the political situation, economic, and natural conditions. Business houses are constantly under the threat of disasters, such as earthquakes, terrorist attacks, fire, riots, power outages, and stock market crash.
Due to such risks, the intellectual assets, such as classified documents, source codes, and physical assets, such as infrastructure and hardware, run the risk of compromise. In such a situation, a plan must be in place to allow business to recover their intellectual and physical assets and continue the business operations, at the earliest. It is also essential to assure clients and business partners, who have invested time and resources, that in case of a disaster, their dissertation business continuity planning could be recovered in an acceptable time frame.
To handle such situations, it is important to have an IT disaster recovery plan that is implemented to counter the effects of disasters. Having a Disaster Recovery Plan DRP and Business Continuity Plan BCP becomes important, when business expands to overseas market. While DRP and BCP will not prevent disasters from happening or prevent the loss of lives and property, they would certainly help to reduce the loss caused by delay in restarting the operations and mainly they would help in recovering very valuable company data and information.
This paper discusses the important elements of a DRP and Dissertation business continuity planning for a company with global operations. While a disaster recovery would also involve reconstruction of buildings, relocating people, building roads, restoring power and communications and many other activities, this dissertation business continuity planning would be limited to discussing the disaster recovery plan for the IT systems of a company Meade, In the current environment, dissertation business continuity planning, the threat from terrorists and also from nature places IT systems at a high risk.
Since many companies have very strict rules regarding retrieval and storage of sensitive information, data tends to get centralized. Information about customers, business strategies and records, marketing and trading information and other details would become irrecoverable. If a company loses sensitive data, then it not only loses its soft asset but also the confidence of the customers and would probably go bankrupt. With increasing use of IT systems and dependence on business-critical information, the importance of protecting irreplaceable data has become a top business need.
Since many companies rely on IT systems and regard it as critical infrastructure the need for regular backup is very crucial that even after a disaster strikes, dissertation business continuity planning, the company can begin operating within a short period of time.
Many large companies provide up to 4 percent in their IT budget on disaster recovery systems. It is estimated that 43 percent of companies that had lost data and could not replace the data went bankrupt while 51 percent had to shut down in two years while only six percent could service in the long run Swartz, So DRP and BCP are required to ensure that a company is able to recover quickly in case of a disaster, customer confidence is retained and that the business is able to continue.
The present study aims to find out the information about practical problems in preparing DRP and attempts to suggest a framework for effective DRP and BCP by combining different risk identifying and management strategies into single integrated strategy with which dissertation business continuity planning can effectively respond to changes in the form of opportunities, risks and regulations. DRP practices in the top ten Indian companies have been researched and views of experts in these companies have been presented.
DRP plan is intended to provide a framework within which companies can take decisions promptly during a business disruption. The objectives of this plan are Kaye, :. The scope of the corporate business continuity management plan document must include plans for restoring:.
The purpose of this study is to develop an effective DRP framework and BCP for IT organisations that provide products and services. Some of those changes bring opportunities for business, while others bring challenges and threats to organisation.
Irrespective of it, dissertation business continuity planning, business has to be responsive and resilient by making good use of opportunities while mitigating risks. Organisational infrastructure must be designed and planned for the continuity of business in case of any disasters.
The contemporary definition of disaster concludes that it is a situation created by major events rather than event itself, and dissertation business continuity planning the socio economic development and political consequences of event, which forms the key defining aspect of disaster. Inthe United Nations recognised that for an event to be disaster, it must overwhelm the response capability of a community Coppola, dissertation business continuity planning, Disaster recovery planning is a recurring process, which has the goal of maintaining the availability of information or service, even in the event of a disaster.
This varies from company to company. Fluctuating business conditions are like double-edged sword, any inappropriate response could loose ground to their competitors. For example, if online banking system of TSB Lloyds fails and if it could not restore the operations with in a day, it will loose its majority of customers to its competitor bank.
This rises to need for an effective framework for disaster recovery planning which can balance all key issues involved.
Most people when faced with mystifying scope of disaster planning are overwhelmed. The subject is so large with high stakes and the time needed to deal with preparatory issues is so tedious that many firms think that it is easier to do nothing. The importance of disaster recovery planning for organisations are well documented but it is however unclear whether majority of business community is aware of this.
As a result, there is limited information on the acceptance of recovery planning outside academic world and even less within the business community. The industry is expected to grow to billion USD by the year These figures are due to increase in outsourcing by US, European, Pan Asian countries and the majority of companies offer software development services.
Many US software product manufacturers have set up offshore dissertation business continuity planning centres in India IDC. May 2, Among the hundreds of Indian IT companies, the survey and study has concentrated on the top 10 Indian IT companies.
Following table gives brief information about these companies along with their dissertation business continuity planning. Based on the research and analysis presented in Chapter 5, the following findings have been found:. The study is expected to help IT companies to assess the state of their DRP and BCP plans and would help them to create feasible plans that would protect them in the case of a disaster.
The report is structured into various chapters and each chapter provides in depth discussion of different aspects related to the research. Chapter 2. Literature Review: The chapter provides a discussion of DRP and BCP, different levels of threats that a company should prepare for. A discussion of what data to back up and risk assessment has also been provided. Chapter 3. Framework for the DRP plan: The chapter presents frameworks for DRP implementations that have been done in different IT organisations and discusses the various steps involved in DRP implementation.
Information about the implementation has been obtained through site visits to IT companies and through emails, dissertation business continuity planning. Chapter 4. Framework for the BCP Plan: The chapter presents frameworks for BCP implementations that have been done in different IT organisations dissertation business continuity planning discusses the various steps involved in DRP implementation. Chapter 5. Research Analysis and Findings: The chapter discusses results of the survey instruments that have been used to obtain information about the DRP and BCP implementations in various organisations.
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Recommendations: The chapter draws conclusions and makes recommendations for DRP and BCP implementations. References: The section provides a list of references used in preparing the report.
The range of references used include books, peer reviewed journals, dissertation business continuity planning, reliable websites and others sources. This section provides a literature review of important concepts related to risk management and threat levels that have to be considered for the DRP activities. When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in Augustit damaged 90, square miles, an area the size of Oregon.
The storm caused the largest migration of doctors since World War II and closed insurance offices and financial services companies along with most other businesses in the disaster area, dissertation business continuity planning. Communities were inundated by water, causing local government employees to flee. FEMA usually provides trailers as disaster housing, but in New Orleans there was no place to put a trailer that had the necessary water and sewer hook ups available. While the damage to physical infrastructure was large and massive, buildings can be rebuilt.
The loss of data, financial records, details of transactions lost, banking accounts and credit information that was lost was irreplaceable and many people who had healthy bank accounts were rendered bankrupt in a few hours of dissertation business continuity planning fury Edwards, Very valuable information about the records and transactions done, money transfer details, shares and stocks trading information, information on debt instruments and others were lost.
The loss happened simply because the companies did not fully implement the DRP activities. The author reports that though almost all dissertation business continuity planning back up their critical IT systems and data, more dissertation business continuity planning a quarter of them still do not have a disaster recovery plan in place, dissertation business continuity planning. Half of those that do have plans, fail to test them. The year problem has raised the business continuity consciousness level of business.
Where year risks have been mitigated, contingency plans have been developed just in case. Businesses have been forced to assess their resilience in the face of the threat that the millennium bug will cause their systems to crash.
Leveraging this learning, dissertation business continuity planning, some IT dissertation business continuity planning have taken the opportunity to extend contingency plans to cover not just year issues, but broader disruptions, thereby making the most of the year problem and seizing a great opportunity.
In the past, disaster recovery was provided for production applications as a matter of practice. Whatever was needed for recovery was provided at the time an application was moved into production status, dissertation business continuity planning. If these needs were not met, dissertation business continuity planning, the application did not go into production until they were. It was that simple. And since the mainframe that ran the applications was tightly managed, rules were easy to enforce.
Computers on every desktop and client server computing, all under distributed management. The new generation of manager was under pressure to deliver, and often knew very dissertation business continuity planning about the disciplines of the data centre, dissertation business continuity planning, specifically production turnover, change management and capacity planning.
In fact, these disciplines were often seen as impediments to fast action. As the mission critical applications moved to distributed servers under distributed management, disaster recovery plans were inconsistently developed and tested. At the same time, dissertation business continuity planning, business continuity planning became essential as technology became indispensable for the conduct of business. So disaster recovery planning conceptually broadened to encompass business continuity planning.
But to this observer, both concepts are, more often than not, dealt with after the fact, dissertation business continuity planning.
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