Saturday, November 27, 2021

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In this post in my series God and Man at Yale DivinityI provide a copy of my personal statement from my successful application to Yale Divinity School. Photo by J. Hill is licensed under CC 2.

This content uses referral links. As I stated in a previous postI recently began studying toward a Master of Divinity at Yale Divinity School. While the application is extensive, the personal statement is its most important component. Below, I have provided my personal statement in full for anyone interested in reading it.

Note, for those preparing their own personal statement for Yale Divinity School, I have no way of knowing if my personal statement boosted or hindered my application. I did not receive any specific feedback on it. So, consider my personal statement with a grain of salt. I have also pasted it below.

I only modified my statement to the extent necessary to format it for a webpage. A pdf version of my original personal statement is included at the bottom of this page. I grew up in a devout Southern Baptist household where the unusual coexistence of fundamentalist doctrine and a zeal for social justice defined my upbringing. We, therefore, took in as many foster children as our modest home could accommodate.

The rooms of our suburban dwelling resembled a European hostel with bunk beds that lined the walls, lodging abused and neglected children in small, yet comfortable, spaces.

Although I chang ed diapers while my peers played sandlot baseball, I understood the importance of what we were doing even then. In my childhood church, practicing Christianity meant refraining from smoking, drinking, swearing, purchase personal statement divinity statement, and engaging in premarital sex.

My parents, however, taught me that faith transcends personal piety and that the Christian life is more than sterile, outward expressions of religious observance. It is messy, inconvenient, and exhausting, as it purchase personal statement divinity statement making real sacrifices for the needs of others. Desiring to adopt the faith of my childhood as my own, I attended Ouachita Baptist University to become a pastor.

Studying Scripture, however, with all its difficult ambiguities, made me question many of my fundamentalist doctrinal presuppositions, encouraging me to abandon the Southern Baptist tradition, purchase personal statement divinity statement.

Thus, without a church in which to pursue ordained ministry, I postponed my pursuit of a Master of Divinity. Instead, having witnessed a broken legal system as a child, I chose law school as an alternative path to commit myself to public service. However, the desire to serve others—the same desire that initially drew me to ministry—encouraged me to join the military in I received my commission around the time the military sexual assault scandal broke, and, consequently, my career focused on prosecuting these crimes.

As a prosecutor, I have purchase personal statement divinity statement terrible evils that pushed me to fight—as my parents did before me—for the vulnerable. I have seen parents who sodomized their young son to death, listened to women describe their brutal experiences of sexual assault, and purchase personal statement divinity statement obligated to view horrendous images of child pornography because of my dedication to collect evidence and secure purchase personal statement divinity statement on behalf of victims.

Yet, in this, I have also witnessed the triumph of justice and great acts of redemptive grace, purchase personal statement divinity statement, which helped me vanquish the cynicism and Hobbesian-like pessimism such experiences can instill. Thus, to achieve this end, I would like to attend Yale to prepare for a Ph.

program in New Testament as well as for lay ministry in the church, government, or non-profit sector. I fell in love with Yale and its diverse faculty and student body when I visited its campus this fall.

Moreover, the legacy of Yale Divinity School is apparent in the works of its faculty and alumni, and I hope to be a part of this incredible heritage as I prepare for a top-tier Ph. Program, with its required courses in five distinct areas of study, will provide me with a well-rounded education to serve in both academia and lay ministry, and the flexibility of its degree plans and partnership with other university departments will allow me to explore my interests in other fields such as business and law.

Furthermore, Berkeley and the Annand Program will deepen my affection for the Anglican tradition, which I first discovered in college and rediscovered while in the military. I genuinely believe that appreciating the Bible entails understanding the diverse manners in which others study and interpret it.

I also believe that my experiences of growing up in a home dedicated to fighting for the most underprivileged and serving as a prosecutor, where purchase personal statement divinity statement was not merely an abstract idea but a palpable reality, will provide a unique perspective on the teachings of Scripture. I am overly grateful to the admission committee for their consideration and would treasure the opportunity to join the Yale Divinity School community. Become a Patron!

Personal Statement. God and Man at Yale Divinity. Writing Sample from Yale Divinity Application. Photo by CNG is Read more…. It is the second of three papers Read more….

Personal Statement from Yale Divinity Application Published by Garrett Ham on August 21, August 21, Spread the love. Categories: God and Man at Yale Divinity, purchase personal statement divinity statement.

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purchase personal statement divinity statement

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